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Frequently Asked questions

Will RubberWay help in meeting my organization’s GPSNR requirements?

RubberWay contributes to achieving the goals of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) by either directly addressing some requirements of the GPSNR Policy Framework or providing valuable insight for actors chart their progress against specific Policy Components. Using RubberWay will aid in collecting data related to 33 components out of the 37 of the GPSNR policy.

How does RubberWay make my supply chain more sustainable?

RubberWay will help you in achieving the first step of your sustainability journey by collecting data on the practices in the field to assess risks. This will be done through a set of interviews typically facilitated by a processing factory. After deployment is completed, RubberWay issues a report containing recommendations for risk mitigation towards a more sustainable supply chain.

What kind of risks can be identified by RubberWay?

Each supply chain actor has its own tailored questionnaire so that RubberWay can assess risks at every stage of the natural rubber supply chain: processing factories; middlemen/intermediaries; industrial plantations and smallholder farmers.

Can risk be assessed at a jurisdictional or geographical level?

Yes, RubberWay will help you to understand the risks on their geographical context. The risk levels are also displayed in an interactive map at district / province level which allows the locating and prioritization of risk hotspots. With the interactive map, it is possible to assess the overall risk level, and to see the breakdown of the risks for each sustainability pillar or subtheme.

Who is in charge of conducting the interviews?

The method in which surveys are conducted depends on the supply chain structure of each processor (factory or group of factories). Interviews are conducted with farmers and the responses are recorded through a mobile application.

Interviews are usually facilitated by the processor personnel. The collection of data is typically organized in any of these three ways: (i) Individual or group interviews at rubber collections points (designated sites where farmers sell their rubber), (ii) organization of dedicated sessions where farmers are gathered in groups and interviewed, and (iii) individual interviews at farms on site.

How does RubberWay maintain data confidentiality?

Your data is kept safely in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and is accessible to the relevant stakeholders only. None of your data will be accessed or published without your consent. A service agreement is signed before any use of our solution.

What kind of organization can join RubberWay?

Every actor within the natural rubber industry is encouraged to join RubberWay to advance the sustainability of its supply chain.

This includes in priority the buyers of natural rubber: tire manufacturers, automotive industry, natural rubber processors, traders, etc.

Other members can also support the initiative as affiliates: public agencies, academics, research institutions, conservation organizations, Non-for-Profit, etc.

Will there be a pilot program before our organization comes on board?

A pilot program can be organized upon request. It will consist of training and briefing on the RubberWay solution, as well as accessing the app and dashboard for a limited period.

What is the membership fee to join RubberWay?

Our pricing is tailored towards the volume of natural rubber utilized. Contact us for more information

When will I be receiving my personalized report?

At the start of the deployment process, RubberWay works with processors to understand their supply chain structure and determine the appropriate deployment methods and sample coverage. The goal is to define the survey requirements that includes the factories considered, the number of interviews to conduct, the types of questionnaires to use and the jurisdictions to cover. Upon achieving your defined survey requirements, the report will be produced followed by a discussion.

Does RubberWay suggest improvements and mitigations for sustainable practices?

Yes. Recommendations on improvements in practices and risk mitigation actions will be proposed in your personalized report based on the diagnosis of the answers from the questionnaires

How is the data collected from the questionnaires converted into risk levels?

Each question belongs to a sustainability topic (deforestation, migrant workers, grievance mechanism, child labor, etc.). For each topic, a risk level is calculated by our internal algorithms based on the answers provided. The risk level of each sustainability topic ranges from 0 to 100.

Apart from highlighting risks in my supply chain, are there other benefits in partnering with RubberWay?

RubberWay functions not only as a risk assessment tool but is also a great way to raise awareness on social and environmental topics, and to engage the actors of the supply chain towards more sustainable practices.

Frequently Asked questions

Will RubberWay help in meeting my organization’s GPSNR requirements?

RubberWay contributes to achieving the goals of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) by either directly addressing some requirements of the GPSNR Policy Framework or providing valuable insight for actors chart their progress against specific Policy Components. Using RubberWay will aid in collecting data related to 33 components out of the 37 of the GPSNR policy.

How does RubberWay make my supply chain more sustainable?

RubberWay will help you in achieving the first step of your sustainability journey by collecting data on the practices in the field to assess risks. This will be done through a set of interviews typically facilitated by a processing factory. After deployment is completed, RubberWay issues a report containing recommendations for risk mitigation towards a more sustainable supply chain.

What kind of risks can be identified by RubberWay?

Each supply chain actor has its own tailored questionnaire so that RubberWay can assess risks at every stage of the natural rubber supply chain: processing factories; middlemen/intermediaries; industrial plantations and smallholder farmers.

Can risk be assessed at a jurisdictional or geographical level?

Yes, RubberWay will help you to understand the risks on their geographical context. The risk levels are also displayed in an interactive map at district / province level which allows the locating and prioritization of risk hotspots. With the interactive map, it is possible to assess the overall risk level, and to see the breakdown of the risks for each sustainability pillar or subtheme.

Who is in charge of conducting the interviews?

The method in which surveys are conducted depends on the supply chain structure of each processor (factory or group of factories). Interviews are conducted with farmers and the responses are recorded through a mobile application.

Interviews are usually facilitated by the processor personnel. The collection of data is typically organized in any of these three ways: (i) Individual or group interviews at rubber collections points (designated sites where farmers sell their rubber), (ii) organization of dedicated sessions where farmers are gathered in groups and interviewed, and (iii) individual interviews at farms on site.

How does RubberWay maintain data confidentiality?

Your data is kept safely in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and is accessible to the relevant stakeholders only. None of your data will be accessed or published without your consent. A service agreement is signed before any use of our solution.

What kind of organization can join RubberWay?

Every actor within the natural rubber industry is encouraged to join RubberWay to advance the sustainability of its supply chain.

This includes in priority the buyers of natural rubber: tire manufacturers, automotive industry, natural rubber processors, traders, etc.

Other members can also support the initiative as affiliates: public agencies, academics, research institutions, conservation organizations, Non-for-Profit, etc.

Will there be a pilot program before our organization comes on board?

A pilot program can be organized upon request. It will consist of training and briefing on the RubberWay solution, as well as accessing the app and dashboard for a limited period.

What is the membership fee to join RubberWay?

Our pricing is tailored towards the volume of natural rubber utilized. Contact us for more information

When will I be receiving my personalized report?

At the start of the deployment process, RubberWay works with processors to understand their supply chain structure and determine the appropriate deployment methods and sample coverage. The goal is to define the survey requirements that includes the factories considered, the number of interviews to conduct, the types of questionnaires to use and the jurisdictions to cover. Upon achieving your defined survey requirements, the report will be produced followed by a discussion.

Does RubberWay suggest improvements and mitigations for sustainable practices?

Yes. Recommendations on improvements in practices and risk mitigation actions will be proposed in your personalized report based on the diagnosis of the answers from the questionnaires

How is the data collected from the questionnaires converted into risk levels?

Each question belongs to a sustainability topic (deforestation, migrant workers, grievance mechanism, child labor, etc.). For each topic, a risk level is calculated by our internal algorithms based on the answers provided. The risk level of each sustainability topic ranges from 0 to 100.

Apart from highlighting risks in my supply chain, are there other benefits in partnering with RubberWay?

RubberWay functions not only as a risk assessment tool but is also a great way to raise awareness on social and environmental topics, and to engage the actors of the supply chain towards more sustainable practices.

RubberWay App Tutorial

For our valuable users, please find below a guided video on how to use the RubberWay app.

RubberWay App Tutorial

For our valuable users, please find below a guided video on how to use the RubberWay app.